Russian LiteratureOne of my main areas specialization is Slavic literature, especially nineteenth-century Russian literature and Russian romanticism. I have a secondary interest in the Russian Silver Age and love the poetry of Zinaida Gippius.
Most recently, I have developed several studies of adaptations of Nikolai Gogol's work to stage and have a book proposal in the works on this topic. Stay tuned!
PhoneticsOn the linguistics side, I have a special interest in phonetics and pronunciation. I published a detailed description of the pronunciation of the Russian language in classical singing in my dissertation.
In the spring of 2024, I was awarded a Nancy Tannery Grant for Open Educational Resources to develop my new Russian phonetics and pronunciation course into an OER. The first-of-its kind course offers both theory and practical exercises for developing accurate pronunciation and listening comprehension proficiency. Best of all, it will be the first such resource to be available cost-free to the public! Check back in spring 2025 for the link to the course!
Opera and DanceMy love for opera and ballet first motivated me to learn Russian when I was an undergraduate student at Northwestern University. I wrote a master's thesis about "academic folk dance" at Ohio State and also discuss opera culture in my dissertation.
More recently, my conference activities have centered on Ukrainian art song and opera. I have been involved in promoting the exquisite Ukrainian vocal works that were repressed from publication and performance during colonization. Click here to view Pitt's Concert of Ukrainian Words and Music. You may also receive high quality downloads of the songs for a donation of any size at